
当你在一个新的环境中航行时,新的开始也会带来挑战. 加入其他一年级学生的知识探索课程. These courses were created to help you master those challenges and launch your success by teaching you how to:

  • 用新的、令人兴奋的方式在课堂内外负责你的学习
  • 利用新博网址是多少资源助你成功
  • 浏览新博网页的学术课程,并用它来支持你的目标



Dr. 特蕾西·柯林斯

This course provides an introduction to the issues covered and methodologies employed in the field of 行为经济学. 行为经济学增加了心理学的见解, 社会学, 和人类学的理性经济模型. 这样做的时候, it looks beyond the standard neoclassical model of how people make decisions; examining ways in which behavior is not consistent with strict rational self-interested decision-making. 这包括被认为是“非理性”的行为, 事实上,人们经常做出不是最优的决定. It also includes 社会 preferences- where people care about how their decisions will affect others/the environment and not just themselves out of concerns for fairness or altruism. 经常, we will review how standard economic theory predicts people will behave in a given situation and compare that to what experiments actually show us about human behavior. 行为经济学 is an interdisciplinary field in economics that has continued to grow in popularity and relevance. 它运用经济学的工具来探索社会问题. 行为经济学家研究心理的影响, 社会, 认知, and emotional factors on the economic and non-economic decisions of individuals and institutions and their consequences. 在本课程中, you will learn about the most important principles of behavioral economics that will enable you to evaluate the different real-world applications of the concepts we will study in class.


Dr. Fang-yu李

在这门课程中,我们将观看来自中国、台湾、香港和好莱坞的武术电影. We will examine the visual effect and genre construction from a global perspective and discuss topics such as the characterization of hero/heroine, 儒家和道家传统的精神修养和道德规范, 追求社会正义和国防, 以及帝国主义和全球化背景下的“中国性”建构. 我们将介绍两个主要的子类型——“功夫”电影和“武侠”电影, 并与好莱坞武侠片进行比较. 所有的电影都有英文字幕,所有的阅读材料都是英文的. 不需要事先了解中文.


Dr. 蒂亚戈·佩雷斯

Ever wondered how a company could learn what makes you tick by having one of your friends (not you!)安装应用程序? 塔吉特是如何在你父母之前知道你怀孕的? 你的密码真的“强”吗?? 所有的谷歌搜索都是匿名的吗? 在我们生活的信息时代, knowing the basics of Data Science and Computer Security have become fundamental to protect your data, 你的隐私, 甚至你的钱. 不需要编程经验,也不需要计算机/数据科学背景.


Dr. 弗拉德Serban

说我们的世界正变得越来越受数据驱动,这并不牵强, 甚至是数学上的. But how does the practice and implementation of mathematics in our everyday lives enhance said lives (if at all)? 这些追求是如何与我们对美、意义和正义的渴望相互作用的? 他们帮助个人和社区繁荣吗? 在本课程中, 使用有趣的谜题, 阅读, 探索和小组讨论, we will discover how smart people have historically as well as more recently thought about these questions. You may experience both the satisfaction of a solved puzzle and the desire to examine further some of the topics we will touch on using the tremendous resources available at New College. The class will conclude with a small project where you get to do just that and get to dive deeper into a subject of your choice mentioned in class.


Dr. 米歇尔·巴顿

记忆是日常生活的一个重要方面, 无论我们是在向最好的朋友讲述一次家庭旅行, 找车钥匙, 或者记得去咖啡馆见朋友. 对于这些任务,我们依赖于我们的记忆是准确的,而且大多数时候是准确的. 而是因为记忆是一项重建任务, 而不是逐字记录过去, 它很容易让人忘记, 以及其他信息的扭曲和干扰. 在更极端的情况下, memory can be vulnerable to suggestion that may to lead to vividly recalling events that never occurred. This Quest for Knowledge seminar will examine the factors that affect the creation and recall of our memories, 以及我们的记忆如何塑造我们对自己的期望, 我们的社会伙伴, 还有我们的新经历. We will use the topics of this class to reflect on our past, our present and our future selves. (This seminar is a foundation course in Psychology that meets the Intro Psych prerequisite for our intermediate level psychology classes.)


Dr. 詹妮弗·威尔斯

This course introduces students to rhetorical concepts and audience-centered approaches to writing including composing processes, 语言习惯和风格, 批判性分析和参与书面文本和其他形式的交流. 学生学习成果:

  •  Students will apply rhetorical knowledge to communicate for a range of audiences and purposes.
  • 学生将运用批判性思维来分析交流的形式.
  • 学生将参与写作过程,包括起草、修改和反思.


Dr. 克里斯Kottke

This course introduces means of mathematical thinking through the exploration of problems not found in a typical math class. 而不是说教, 课程围绕学生对材料的探索展开, 以便有机地发现和理解数学概念, 同时培养可转移的问题解决能力和团队合作能力. 我们也研究数学的社会学方面, breaking down some of the harmful preconceptions about who is suited for mathematical thought.


Dr. 马里亚纳Sendova

为什么日落是明亮的红色和橙色? 你是否曾下定决心让星星离你更近? 我们将通过探索光来扩展你的视野. 光是我们自然世界的主要媒介. 通过对光的研究, 我们了解光年外的恒星和星系的组成, 同时我们观察活细胞在体内的微观过程. 在这个课堂上, you will be invited to: 1) Follow your passions while learning about light and our colorful reality. 2) We will guide your curious and artistic minds to observe light and meld the source with poetry, 摄影, 以及科学探究. 3) You will ponder, brainstorm, and participate in creating light ‘magic’ to share with your peers.


Dr. 詹妮弗·威尔斯

Writing about Writing is an introductory Rhetoric and Writing course that invites students to reflect on their own relationship with writing in order to identify the origins of their beliefs about writing/themselves as a writer. 一旦他们能说出自己的信仰, 他们被鼓励去思考这些信念是如何导致行为的, some of which may have served them well in high school but may not continue to do so in college. 从那里, students experiment with different strategies and tools to support their relationship with writing. 这堂课的重点是写作, 这与其他类型的学术技能发展有明显的相似之处, and many of the strategies and tools are meant to be used in other classes or areas of college life. 知识转移是本课程的首要目标.



对医学研究、医学或兽医学有兴趣? Come learn about these fields and develop skills that will help you be successful in pursuing careers in biomedical fields. 我们将探讨生物医学的原理, 解剖学和生理学, 以及兽医方面的话题. 当我们探索这些领域时, you’ll be equipped with skills that will help you on your journey to health-related fields such as study strategies for science coursework, 写摘要, 制作科学海报, 期刊社, 还有更多!


Dr. 萨曼莎Levell

在本课程中, students will learn about 萨拉索塔 Bay Marine Biology through immersive field experiences paired with quantitative laboratory analyses. Students will work together to gain a better understanding of the processes happening in our bay, 包括自然的和人为的. 学生们将会见萨拉索塔湾河口合作伙伴, who have broad experiences with the issues facing our bay as well as active restoration and preservation efforts. 通过这些经历, students will start their development as knowledgeable ambassador’s of our local marine ecosystem.