
毕业时没有债务的机会, 加上新博网页严谨的学术课程, 这就是为什么约书亚·英格拉姆选择了NCF而不是名牌大学.


你的入学申请作为你申请大多数新博网页奖学金的申请, 除非另有说明. 了解更多关于这些和其他基于申请的奖学金如下. 

如果你有资格获得不止一项奖学金, 我们会为你选择最好的(除非奖学金另有说明).  你一定是美国人.S. 公民,你.S. 永久居民外国人,或符合资格的非公民. 所有奖学金均受续期要求和资金可用性的限制. Undergraduate institutional funding is not available to students who already hold a bachelor’s or advanced degree.


除了新博网页为新生提供的奖学金, 我们鼓励申请人和被录取的学生研究额外的奖学金.

萨拉索塔县社区基金会奖学金 -只限本地学生.  奖学金 are available to all students pursuing higher education and designed to satisfy a wide variety of academic interests and fields. Scholarship applications are divided between students under 24 years of age and students 24 years of age or older. 

萨拉索塔县教育基金会 – Education 基金会 is an organization exclusively dedicated to supporting and providing services to students and teachers in 萨拉索塔 County Schools. 在这些服务中,有一个广泛的清单,突出了地方、地区和国家奖学金.

佛罗里达州选举监督奖学金协会 -申请人必须是佛罗里达州的登记选民, 在此之前至少两年居住在该州, have maintained at least a “C” average and submit their application in the county in which the student is registered to vote.  Applicants must have been accepted or enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited 大学 or university in Florida and must be at least a junior in 大学. 申请的学生必须是政治学专业, 公共/商业管理, 或新闻/大众传播AOC. 

萨拉索塔-海牛犹太人联合会-萨拉索塔-海牛犹太联合会为自认为是犹太人的学生颁发教育奖学金, 以及为其他信仰的学生提供奖学金. 符合条件的申请人必须在萨拉索塔或海牛县全职居住至少两年. 这些奖学金的主要考虑因素之一是经济需求.

约翰逊奖学金 -约翰逊奖学金, 由约翰逊奖学金基金会资助, 是否有竞争性奖励项目, which is available to undergraduate students with disabilities enrolled in a State University System of Florida (SUS) institution.  学生必须符合以下要求才能被考虑为奖学金的选择: 

  • 是佛罗里达州的居民,以支付学费;
  • 正在寻求第一个学士学位;
  • 完成一个西奥多R. 和Vivian M. 约翰逊奖学金申请;
  • 符合学术要求;
  • 提供残疾的性质和/或程度的文件,以及
  • Demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA)/institutional need. 在规定的截止日期前提交FAFSA或更新FAFSA表格 http://studentaid.gov / h /申请Aid/ fafsa. Confirm that the Federal School Code for your university is designated so that the university has access to your results in assessing a student’s unmet financial need.

长船钥匙花园俱乐部奖学金 - Longboat Key Garden Club提供的教育奖学金从2,000美元到10,000美元不等. 申请人必须是大三学生, 长者或以上, who are majoring in environmental studies or another subject pertaining to Longboat Key Garden Club objectives. 申请人必须是佛罗里达州居民.

Manasota ASALH奖学金 -获得Manasota ASALH奖学金, 黑人学生必须在萨拉索塔或海牛县的学校读高年级, 至少获得过3分.平均成绩0分,并在学校和社区中表现出领导能力. 

佛罗里达州海牛民主妇女俱乐部 – This organization offers educational scholarships for Manatee County residents who are registered Democrats.

全国犹太妇女委员会-萨拉索塔/海牛分会 – The 萨拉索塔-Manatee section of NCJW offers need-based scholarships for non-traditional students enrolled in a post-secondary academic program. These scholarships are for non-traditional students who have returned to school after a hiatus and need financial assistance to reach their goals. 符合条件的学生必须是萨拉索塔或海牛县的永久居民.

美国商业女性协会萨拉索塔分会 - ABWA提供2美元,为萨拉索塔县或海牛县的女性居民提供1000美元影响奖学金, 谁在萨拉索塔或海牛县上学. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护)

萨拉索塔创始人花园俱乐部 -该组织提供2美元,为学习环境问题或任何自然科学学科的即将升学的大三或大四学生提供500个奖学金.

萨拉索塔多肉协会 -该组织为学习园艺的学生提供奖学金, 植物学, 或相关科目.

美国大学妇女协会威尼斯分会 – This organization offers scholarships for women residing in 萨拉索塔 County who are re-entering 大学 after a period of being out of school. 申请详情请致电941-492-2440.

威廉G. & 玛丽·塞尔比基金会奖学金 – The  Selbys were very interested in helping local students with limited financial means pursue a higher education, 目标不仅是实现有意义的职业生涯, 同时也帮助他们的社区. 今天, “Selby Scholars” are undergraduate students with exceptional potential who embrace the Selby’s values of leadership and service.   这些奖项可以续期, 有一定的要求, 在四年的时间里,学生在一所被认可的学院或大学全日制注册.   如果你没有学生援助报告,由于移民身份, 请联系奖学金经理, 凯拉·沃马克 (电子邮件保护).  

Buckfire & Buckfire P.C. 残疾的奖学金 -该奖学金是作为巴克菲尔大学的一部分设立的.C.  law firm’s commitment to helping students with disabilities or injuries who are in need of financial assistance in order to achieve their academic goals. 他们的委员会将选出一名获胜者,获得1000美元的奖金.00. Applications are open to students of any age with any type of disability who are enrolled in an accredited 大学 or university. 申请是不收费的. 

杰基罗宾逊基金会奖学金 – The JRF scholarship is awarded to outstanding high school graduates who plan to earn a baccalaureate degree from an accredited, 四年制学院或大学. Additional 奖学金 are given to JRF Scholars to pursue opportunities to work and study abroad (Rachel Robinson International Fellowship) and for post-graduate education (Extra Innings Fellowship).

马歇尔-莫特利学者计划 -有资格获得马歇尔-莫特利奖学金, you must intend to enroll in law school for the Fall 2024 semester and be eligible to work in the United States.  MMSP is a comprehensive lawyer development program that guarantees a debt-free educational experience as well as internships, 奖学金, and trainings to aspiring civil rights attorneys who will work to pursue racial justice on behalf of Black communities in the South.  Scholars who demonstrate a commitment to this mission will be provided:  A full law school scholarship for tuition, 食宿, and incidentals; Summer internships with national and regional civil rights organizations; Two-year postgraduate fellowship at civil rights law organizations in the South; and Access to special trainings sponsored by LDF.  作为回报, 这些学者将致力于在南方担任民权律师, engaged in a law practice focused on achieving racial justice for 8 years following the conclusion of their fellowship. The MMSP will continue to offer support for the newly emerging civil rights lawyers as they develop their practice and form a distinguished regional network of legal practitioners. 

萨莉·梅基金 - Sallie Mae基金的桥接梦想奖学金项目是为高中毕业生提供的. This scholarship helps make the dream of higher education a reality for outstanding high school seniors from historically underserved communities.

在校生可以申请完成梦想奖学金 www.salliemae.com/landing/completing-the-dream. This scholarship provides a one-time scholarship for current students who are facing financial difficulties in order to help them complete their post-secondary education program.

  • 难民奖学金(通过人权事业)
  • CAPPEX –  Finding 大学 scholarships for 大学 students can be a lengthy process — you’ll want to apply to as many as possible to really build up your nest egg. 你可以从今天开始做一个帐户,并搜索我们广泛的奖学金数据库! 
  • 萨拉索塔县社区基金会奖学金 -只适用于本地学生. 奖学金 are available to all students pursuing higher education and designed to satisfy a wide variety of academic interests and fields. Scholarship applications are divided between students under 24 years of age and students 24 years of age or older. 
  • 西班牙裔奖学金基金 -必须是西班牙裔美国人.S. 公民,永久合法居民,或DACA.  
  • MALDEF奖学金资源 -在我们50年的历史中, MALDEF为拉丁裔社区的下一代民权倡导者提供支持.  MALDEF为高中提供奖学金资源指南, 大学, and graduate students; and a Law School Scholarship Program for law students. 
  • 移民和难民奖学金(USAHello) – This is a link to a number of additional resources that are either specifically for DACA and undocumented students, 或者接受无证和/或DACA学生的申请.  
  • 威廉G. & 玛丽·塞尔比基金会奖学金 – The  Selbys were very interested in helping local students with limited financial means pursue a higher education, 目标不仅是实现有意义的职业生涯, 同时也帮助他们的社区. 今天, “Selby Scholars” are undergraduate students with exceptional potential who embrace Selby’s values of leadership and service.   这些奖项可以续期, 有一定的要求, 在四年的时间里,学生在一所被认可的学院或大学全日制注册.   如果你没有学生援助报告,由于移民身份, 请联系奖学金经理, 凯拉·沃马克((电子邮件保护)).

新博网页职业参与和机会中心是新博网址是多少里另一个很好的资源.  在那里你可以找到:

  • 按领域划分的多样性和包容性机会
  • 按领域划分的奖学金
  • 各领域奖学金
  • 和更多的!
